Category: Social media management.
Solution Description
The objective of this solution included in the Digital Kit Program (within the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan) financed by the EU within European funds Next Generation EU is promote beneficiary companies on social networks. These networks will be aligned with your main objectives and needs and will be designed accordingly.
Who is this solution for?
- Segment I. Small companies with between 10 and less than 50 employees.
- Segment II. Small businesses or Microbusinesses with between 3 and less than 10 employees.
- Segment III. Small businesses or Microbusinesses with between 1 and less than 3 employees and self-employed persons.
- Segmento IV: Medianas empresas con entre 50 y menos de 100 empleados
- Segmento V: Empresas con entre 100 y menos de 250 empleados.
Consigue la GUÍA MÁS COMPLETA para obtener tu Bono Digital de hasta 24.000€
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Responsible: More Patients.
Purpose: Being able to attend to and manage the different orders, requests, queries and resolution of users' doubts, as well as being able to carry out statistical studies that help improve the functioning of the website and provide timely information.
Legitimation: Consent of the interested party.
Recipients: No data will be communicated to third parties, except legal obligation. The information is treated with the utmost confidentiality, being hosted on a secure server. Your email address will be used only to respond to your queries made through the existing forms on the website, as well as to inform you of news.
Rights: You have the right to access, rectify and delete your data, rights that you can exercise by sending an email to
You can consult additional and detailed information on data protection in our Privacy Policy.
Features and services
Social Media Plan: contarás con una estrategia de redes sociales alineada con tu misión y visión, para que sea relevante y conecte con tus potenciales clientes y fidelice a aquellos usuarios que ya lo sean.
Monitorización de redes sociales: tendrás monitorizados y controlados de manera periódica los impactos de las acciones en redes sociales para ver tus resultados y saber si estás cumpliendo con los objetivos de tu estrategia.
Optimización de la red/Auditoría Social Media: te ayudará a optimizar el rendimiento, analizando diferentes canales sociales.
Gestión de rede sociales: el Agente Digitalizador que hayas seleccionado para proporcionarte la solución te administrará el perfil/usuario en, al menos, una red social. Si perteneces a los segmentos IV o V, la gestión será de al menos 2 redes sociales.
Publicación de posts mensuales: para los segmentos I, II y III el Agente Digitalizador publicará un mínimo de 4-8 entradas (posts) mensuales en tus redes sociales. En el caso de los segmentos IV y V serán mínimo 12 posts mensuales.
Aplicación de una estrategia de escucha activa: te ayudará a mantener una supervisión de tus redes sociales. (Exclusivo para Segmento IV y V)
Creación de contenido audiovisual mensual: el Agente Digitalizador se encargará de la creación y publicación de, al menos, dos entradas (posts) mensuales de contenido audiovisual. (Exclusivo para Segmento IV y V)
Maintenance and technical support
At La Clé we know how important the maintenance and technical support of your website is and that is why you will have a service through phone and email, your doubts being answered within a maximum period of 24h. At La Clé we are characterized by immediacy and for the resolution so you don't have to worry about anything.
Training for web self-management
The client will have explanatory videos for the management of their website and will also have a team of specialists for the resolution of any doubt.
Solution price
From €2,000 + VAT
Maximum amount of aid
- 0 < X < 3 empleados: 2.000€
- 3 ≤ X < 10 empleados: 2.500€
- 10 ≤ X < 50 empleados: 2.500€
- 50* ≤ X < 100 empleados: 5.000€
- 100 ≤ X < 250 empleados: 5.000€
At La Clé we will meet with you to assess all your needs and be able to design a specialized plan for the digitalization of your company.
We want to help you with your digitization project
At La Clé we have been helping many companies in their digital transformation for 20 years and now we want to help you.
Responsible: More Patients.
Purpose: Being able to attend to and manage the different orders, requests, queries and resolution of users' doubts, as well as being able to carry out statistical studies that help improve the functioning of the website and provide timely information.
Legitimation: Consent of the interested party.
Recipients: No data will be communicated to third parties, except legal obligation. The information is treated with the utmost confidentiality, being hosted on a secure server. Your email address will be used only to respond to your queries made through the existing forms on the website, as well as to inform you of news.
Rights: You have the right to access, rectify and delete your data, rights that you can exercise by sending an email to
You can consult additional and detailed information on data protection in our Privacy Policy.